Grosjean disqualification...

How is Grosjean's disqualification from the race affecting points and driver prices?

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

 He is considered as finished at last 20th place

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

But you didn't adjust the points for the affected drivers and chassisses? Those were also influenced by the disqualification...

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

 I believe I did.
Race ago VF-18 had 34 points, now it has 35. One point from the qualification but I found a place where other numbers are shown. Let me fix it.

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

When I look at the points scored by GRO in the game it still shows up as 10? Should be 5 now?

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

 Can you send me a link where do you see this, if you still do?

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

Ah, it seems to be correct now. Thanks!
Would it be possible to list the updated driver/chassis/engine scoring for the Italian GP so i don't have to go through all the players' individual scoring to gather this info?

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

 That is not a bad idea at all.
Just wonder where I can fit this info. If you have any suggestions you most welcome.

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

I think for now just as a news item, but in the future maybe its own tab?

Re. Grosjean disqualification...

 A grand table like this one would be nice: