Jenson Button won Grand Prix of Australia

posted by: F1FG posted at: March 18, 2012 11:47 Comments: 4 Viewed:1287
Jenson Button won Grand Prix of Australia.
After 58 laps Jenson won the victory at Albert Park. After him finished Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton.

Grand Prix of Australia - results

The sarvankata 's team РАЧОНИ took the first plaсе in Australia.
Top 3 was completed by Cerri ( Cerri Racing Team ) and zarmim ( xXx ).

F1FG standing in Grand Prix of Australia
General standing in the game



18 Mar 2012 12:41 / from schony

schonyThe last lap was crazy.
Any idea what happened with Rosberg?

18 Mar 2012 12:34 / from schony

schonyBad luck for Grosjean but he will do it next week.

18 Mar 2012 12:27 / from Naskinen

NaskinenOur League "Naskiset" (Finland)is 3rd.

18 Mar 2012 12:22 / from Naskinen (guest)

Naskinen (guest)Great opening. Räikkönen is back. Williams on the top again.